Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Scary monsters in the bathtub.

I am a mean mom. Yup. I know I am. I have a child who growls at his shadow on the bathtub wall.... I growl back. He is terrified of his shadow. No, it's not his normal shadow- it's only when I give him a bubble bath mohawk! Charlie will jump off of a couch, cut his lip, or even run full speed into a wall and not cry, but as soon as he saw himself in the bathtub he cried and needed to be picked up. The worst part about this... I've growled back more than once. I thought the first time might be a fluke- nope 2 different baths and he's been terrified! Poor kid. This is just the beginning of my meanness I'm sure!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The purpose of this blog

I have thought for a little while that it would be fun to write down just random things that are going on in our lives. I would love to be able to go back a year from now and re-read the funny things that Charlie does or say. BTW- Charlie is 16 months old. His birthday is 5.2.08 and is one funny little boy. I don't want to forget the random things that go on in my life with him right now. I also would love a way to put my thoughts onto paper and maybe get some advice when needed. Who knew that I would ever say "You do realize that you just ate your toe jam don't you?" See... it's those things that I want to come back to and laugh at years from now! Thanks for reading the blog and I hope you get to see a little into our lives!