Ohhh... real quick. My favorite thing so far about the Christmas Season is the Advent Calendar. Charlie gets to open a door after dinner every night. I sit on the kitchen floor and he comes and sits on my lap. We look around for the number for the current day and we open it. Inside is a little piece of chocolate. However, before he gets to eat the chocolate (which he does say now!! So my child!) I talk to him about what the picture is that we just opened and he kisses the picture. I don't know how that started but it's kinda feel that it just makes him stop and be thankful for each day that we do this. Now, if you have ever seen Charlie eat a cupcake (more like inhale) this is the exact opposite. He will hold that little piece of chocolate in his little fingers and lick it. Actually this sounds cute- but it's not. This just makes for more melted chocolate all over his hands and he doesn't understand that he can't go in other rooms until it's gone. So for that last two days after about 10 minutes of him licking the chocolate Dan has held his hands down and put the chocolate in his mouth. We are mean parents aren't we?? We actually make our child EAT the chocolate!! ha ha oh well... we gave him his chance and after a while he just needs to eat the slimy bit of goodness. I love doing this every night and I can't wait to do it for years to come with him! (at some point I'll let him just do it and won't make him sit on my lap- but not until he's like 17!)
onward to pictures...
I thought it was too quiet- I found him out in the Florida Room playing cards!
Even though Charlie is always on the go- he does love to color!
He already likes to lick the spoon when I bake!
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