Yesterday was the big family Xmas party up in Bay City. I love my family to pieces because everyone gets to bet themselves. And boy do they!!! We were missing my Uncle Carl and Aunt Leanne, Becky and her family, Mike and his fiancée. There were 17 adults and Brody, Maddy, Ally, Cammy, Grace, Mia and Charlie running around providing entertainment for the rest of us.
Dana was nice enough to host at her new house. It fit us all and there were tons of toys for the kids to play with. Charlie loves playing with his 3rd cousin Brody who is 8. Maybe it's because Brody will play BALL with Charlie for hours and hours! Charlie received some wonderful gifts from the family and was excited to wake up this morning and play with them some more. We just need a bigger house to fit everything in!
Let's see where the strange parts started...
Was it when Katy left to go ride the mechanical bull she has been talking about all night? - nah that's normal
Was it when we decided to take a family picture on the stairs? (the nice one is above) and Aunt Linda & Dana decided to flash the camera? nah that's normal also
Was it when Uncle Tim who had had his fair share of drinks wanted to play soccer in the kitchen and knocked over the wine glass and it went flying? And yes, of course I was standing right there wearing a cream sweater! nah that seems normal for us too.
Was it when Aunt Sue mentioned that her earing hole closed up and she wanted my Aunt Linda (who is a nurse) to poke a new one? Here were the items we had on hand, rubbing alcohol, a starter stud earing,ice cube and a piece of cheese. Can you see where this is going? Yup- Aunt Linda used the cheese where most people would use a potato! I couldn't stop laughing!!! OUCH! Aunt Sue is a true woman to go through that pain. I offered her a shot and she said no thanks!
Was it when I taught my family a dirty hand gesture which then was taught to my cousin Dana's daughter! If she accomplished it successfully Dana promised her $5! Mia who is 2.5 showed us immediately that she could do it! We started clapping and it scared her to tears- Dana gave her $10!
Could it be when Charlie was showing the bigger kids how to throw balls and kick a soccer ball? It's funny how amazed people are by how well he can do this at the age of 19 months!
Was it my cousin Tim's Fiancée that couldn't say no to the Jim Beam shot and then was later found in the kitchen scrounging for food because she was drunk!?!?
My guess... it was all of the above which made it another great family Xmas!
I miss seeing my family more. They are so welcoming and make you feel like you just saw them last week when really it's been a year! I also love that they make fun of Dan and refer to him as Skinny instead of Dan even after all these years! We are hoping to plan a cousin's Snuggie bar crawl!!! Katy and Dana are 2 of my best friends and basically sisters to me. I could sit and tell stories with them for a whole weekend. We would laugh and cry and probably drink a lot!
That's a great description of the evening! Love you like a sister too Cous! :)