Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Stay Tuned...

There are so many things that have happened since I last posted. I don't even know where to begin. They need some time dedicated to the posts so bare with me as I need to find the motivation and time!
Here is just a small example of what's been going on with the Skimmy's. (Today is a Wed and all of this is from Sunday night on)

- An overnight stay at the in laws
- A drive 2 hours north in the snow to Charlie's Great Great Grandfather's Funeral
-Charlie being at the Funeral (it was 2 hours long!) (sneak peek... he was under the pew growling like a Tiger for a short minute)
- Charlie falling and blood
- A trip to Urgent Care with Charlie
- A trip to the ER with Charlie
- Being sent home with a sticker and a band aid for souvenirs
- Charlie's first fever of 102
- Dan & Kim get date night at a Piston's Game
- Charlie gets an overnight trip at Gram E and Pop E's house

and that brings us to today. I'm hiding in the house and regaining the normal life I thought we had! Some friends (Megan & Jeremy) will be over tonight for game night!

Tomorrow is NYE so be safe everyone and have fun! I'll probably not be able to post until 2010!!!!

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